Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Initiative for the Asia Pacific Roundtable
Event Details
Date: 10 September 2021 (Friday)
Time: 11:00-14:20 (Hong Kong Time)
Venue: Online, via Zoom
Organised by Facebook and Centre for Civil Society and Governance
Technological developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) pose intricate and complex ethical questions that the industry alone cannot answer. Important research questions in the application of AI should be dealt with not only by companies building and deploying the technology, but also by independent academic institutions and researchers from diverse disciplines such that social, economic, and policy implications are understood and properly addressed.
To support AI ethics research in the Asia Pacific region, Facebook partnered with CCSG and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong (esteemed co-chair of the Permanent Working Group on Ethics and Data Protection in AI of the Global Privacy Assembly) and invited research proposals in December 2019. This Request for Proposals (RFP) aimed to support independent AI ethics research that takes local traditional knowledge and regionally diverse perspectives into consideration. The RFP was open to academic institutions, think tanks, and research organizations registered and operational across Asia Pacific.
A number of knowledge exchange events have been planned, including the Responsible AI Forum 2021 to be held in Munich, Germany by The Technical University of Munich and a Roundtable to be organized by CCSG in Hong Kong in September 2021. These events aim to bring together interested stakeholders and the awardees of this Research Initiative to discuss on the responsible use of AI.
Research that would be presented and discussed in the Roundtable include:
- AI decisions with dignity: Promoting interactional justice perceptionsDr. Sarah Bankins, Assistant Professor Paul Formosa, Professor Deborah Richards (Macquarie University, Australia), Dr. Yannick Griep (Radboud University, Netherlands)
- The challenges of implementing AI ethics frameworks in the Asia PacificMs. Ramathi Bandaranayake, Viren Dias, Helani Galpaya, Professor Rohan Samarajiva (LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka)
- Culturally informed pro-social AI regulation and persuasion frameworkDr. Junaid Qadir (Information Technology University of the Punjab, Pakistan), Dr. Amana Raquib (Institute of Business Administration – Karachi, Pakistan)
- Ethical technology assessment on AI and internet of thingsDr. Melvin Jabar, Dr. Ma. Elena Chiong Javier (De La Salle University, Philippines), Mr. Jun Motomura (Meio University, Okinawa, Japan), Dr. Penchan Sherer (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- Operationalizing information fiduciaries for AI governanceMr. Yap Jia Qing, Ms. Jennifer Lim Wei Zhen, Mr. Josh Lee Kok Thong (eTPL.Asia, Singapore), Ong Yuan Zheng, Lenon (eTPL.Asia (LawTech.Asia)), Riyanka Roy Choudhury (eTPL.Asia (Emerging Technologies Policy Forum)), Elizaveta Shesterneva (eTPL.Asia(LawTech.Asia))
- Participatory surveillance for smart cities initiativesDr. Norbert Chan (The University of Hong Kong)
- Respect for rights in the era of automation, using AI and roboticsMs. Emilie Pradichit (Manushya Foundation, Thailand)
- The uses and abuses of black box AI in emergency medicineProfessor Robert Sparrow, Joshua Hatherley, Dr. Mark Howard (Monash University, Australia)
Keynote Speech
- Ms. Ada CHUNG Lai-ling (Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong)
- Dr. Norberto Andrade (Global Policy Lead for Digital & AI Ethics, Facebook)
- Professor Lisa Ellis (Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Otago)
- Professor Haksoo Ko (Seoul National University of Law, Korea)
- Mr. Stephen Kai-yi Wong (Panel member of the Research Initiative)
- Dr. Hazel Biana (Philosophy Department, De La Salle University)
- Professor Jasmine McNealy (Associate Professor, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida)
- Dr. Amana Raquib (Assistant Professor, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Pakistan)
- Dr. Norah Wang (Post-doctoral Fellow, CCSG)
- Other discussants TBC
라운드테이블에서 발표되고 논의될 연구는 다음과 같습니다.
- 존엄성을 지닌 AI 결정: 상호작용적 정의 인식 촉진Sarah Bankins 박사, Paul Formosa 조교수, Deborah Richards 교수(호주 맥쿼리 대학교), Yannick Griep 박사(네덜란드 라드바우드 대학교)
- 아시아 태평양 지역에서 AI 윤리 프레임워크 구현의 과제Ramathi Bandaranayake, Viren Dias, Helani Galpaya, Rohan Samarajiva 교수(LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka)
- 문화에 기반한 친사회적 AI 규제 및 설득 프레임워크Junaid Qadir 박사(파키스탄 펀자브 정보 기술 대학), Amana Raquib 박사(경영학 연구소 – 파키스탄 카라치)
- 인공지능과 사물인터넷에 대한 윤리적 기술 평가멜빈 자바 박사, Ma. Elena Chiong Javier(De La Salle University, 필리핀), Jun Motomura(Meio University, 일본 오키나와), Dr. Penchan Sherer(Mahidol University, 태국)
- AI 거버넌스를 위한 정보 수탁자 운영Yap Jia Qing, Ms. Jennifer Lim Wei Zhen, Mr. Josh Lee Kok Thong(eTPL.Asia, Singapore), Ong Yuan Zheng, Lenon(eTPL.Asia(LawTech.Asia)), Riyanka Roy Choudhury(eTPL.Asia) (Emerging Technologies Policy Forum)), Elizaveta Shesterneva (eTPL.Asia(LawTech.Asia))
- 스마트 시티 이니셔티브를 위한 참여 감시Norbert Chan 박사(홍콩대학교)
- AI와 로봇을 활용한 자동화 시대의 권리 존중Emilie Pradichit (태국 마누샤 재단)
- 응급의료에서 블랙박스 AI의 활용과 남용Robert Sparrow 교수, Joshua Hatherley, Mark Howard 박사(호주 Monash University)
기조 연설
- Ms. Ada CHUNG Lai-ling(홍콩 개인정보 보호 위원)
- Norberto Andrade 박사(디지털 및 AI 윤리 글로벌 정책 책임자, Facebook)
- 리사 엘리스 교수(오타고대학교 철학과 교수)
- 고학수 교수(서울대학교 법과대학)
- Mr. Stephen Kai-yi Wong (연구 이니셔티브 패널 멤버)
- Hazel Biana 박사 (De La Salle University 철학과)
- Jasmine McNealy 교수(플로리다대학교 언론통신대학 부교수)
- Amana Raquib 박사 (파키스탄 카라치 경영대학 조교수)
- Norah Wang(CCSG 박사후 연구원)
- 기타 토론자 미정
For more details, please refer to the Research Initiative webpage and the Roundtable Rundown.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Jass WU (email: jasswyy@hku.hk).
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